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  1. import torch
  2. from torch.autograd import Variable
  3. from torch import nn
  4. from torch.nn import functional as F
  5. from layers import ConvNorm, LinearNorm
  6. from utils import to_gpu, get_mask_from_lengths
  7. from fp16_optimizer import fp32_to_fp16, fp16_to_fp32
  8. class LocationLayer(nn.Module):
  9. def __init__(self, attention_n_filters, attention_kernel_size,
  10. attention_dim):
  11. super(LocationLayer, self).__init__()
  12. padding = int((attention_kernel_size - 1) / 2)
  13. self.location_conv = ConvNorm(2, attention_n_filters,
  14. kernel_size=attention_kernel_size,
  15. padding=padding, bias=False, stride=1,
  16. dilation=1)
  17. self.location_dense = LinearNorm(attention_n_filters, attention_dim,
  18. bias=False, w_init_gain='tanh')
  19. def forward(self, attention_weights_cat):
  20. processed_attention = self.location_conv(attention_weights_cat)
  21. processed_attention = processed_attention.transpose(1, 2)
  22. processed_attention = self.location_dense(processed_attention)
  23. return processed_attention
  24. class Attention(nn.Module):
  25. def __init__(self, attention_rnn_dim, embedding_dim, attention_dim,
  26. attention_location_n_filters, attention_location_kernel_size):
  27. super(Attention, self).__init__()
  28. self.query_layer = LinearNorm(attention_rnn_dim, attention_dim,
  29. bias=False, w_init_gain='tanh')
  30. self.memory_layer = LinearNorm(embedding_dim, attention_dim, bias=False,
  31. w_init_gain='tanh')
  32. self.v = LinearNorm(attention_dim, 1, bias=False)
  33. self.location_layer = LocationLayer(attention_location_n_filters,
  34. attention_location_kernel_size,
  35. attention_dim)
  36. self.score_mask_value = -float("inf")
  37. def get_alignment_energies(self, query, processed_memory,
  38. attention_weights_cat):
  39. """
  40. PARAMS
  41. ------
  42. query: decoder output (batch, n_mel_channels * n_frames_per_step)
  43. processed_memory: processed encoder outputs (B, T_in, attention_dim)
  44. attention_weights_cat: cumulative and prev. att weights (B, 2, max_time)
  46. -------
  47. alignment (batch, max_time)
  48. """
  49. processed_query = self.query_layer(query.unsqueeze(1))
  50. processed_attention_weights = self.location_layer(attention_weights_cat)
  51. energies = self.v(F.tanh(
  52. processed_query + processed_attention_weights + processed_memory))
  53. energies = energies.squeeze(-1)
  54. return energies
  55. def forward(self, attention_hidden_state, memory, processed_memory,
  56. attention_weights_cat, mask):
  57. """
  58. PARAMS
  59. ------
  60. attention_hidden_state: attention rnn last output
  61. memory: encoder outputs
  62. processed_memory: processed encoder outputs
  63. attention_weights_cat: previous and cummulative attention weights
  64. mask: binary mask for padded data
  65. """
  66. alignment = self.get_alignment_energies(
  67. attention_hidden_state, processed_memory, attention_weights_cat)
  68. if mask is not None:
  69., self.score_mask_value)
  70. attention_weights = F.softmax(alignment, dim=1)
  71. attention_context = torch.bmm(attention_weights.unsqueeze(1), memory)
  72. attention_context = attention_context.squeeze(1)
  73. return attention_context, attention_weights
  74. class Prenet(nn.Module):
  75. def __init__(self, in_dim, sizes):
  76. super(Prenet, self).__init__()
  77. in_sizes = [in_dim] + sizes[:-1]
  78. self.layers = nn.ModuleList(
  79. [LinearNorm(in_size, out_size, bias=False)
  80. for (in_size, out_size) in zip(in_sizes, sizes)])
  81. def forward(self, x):
  82. for linear in self.layers:
  83. x = F.dropout(F.relu(linear(x)), p=0.5, training=True)
  84. return x
  85. class Postnet(nn.Module):
  86. """Postnet
  87. - Five 1-d convolution with 512 channels and kernel size 5
  88. """
  89. def __init__(self, hparams):
  90. super(Postnet, self).__init__()
  91. self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5)
  92. self.convolutions = nn.ModuleList()
  93. self.convolutions.append(
  94. nn.Sequential(
  95. ConvNorm(hparams.n_mel_channels, hparams.postnet_embedding_dim,
  96. kernel_size=hparams.postnet_kernel_size, stride=1,
  97. padding=int((hparams.postnet_kernel_size - 1) / 2),
  98. dilation=1, w_init_gain='tanh'),
  99. nn.BatchNorm1d(hparams.postnet_embedding_dim))
  100. )
  101. for i in range(1, hparams.postnet_n_convolutions - 1):
  102. self.convolutions.append(
  103. nn.Sequential(
  104. ConvNorm(hparams.postnet_embedding_dim,
  105. hparams.postnet_embedding_dim,
  106. kernel_size=hparams.postnet_kernel_size, stride=1,
  107. padding=int((hparams.postnet_kernel_size - 1) / 2),
  108. dilation=1, w_init_gain='tanh'),
  109. nn.BatchNorm1d(hparams.postnet_embedding_dim))
  110. )
  111. self.convolutions.append(
  112. nn.Sequential(
  113. ConvNorm(hparams.postnet_embedding_dim, hparams.n_mel_channels,
  114. kernel_size=hparams.postnet_kernel_size, stride=1,
  115. padding=int((hparams.postnet_kernel_size - 1) / 2),
  116. dilation=1, w_init_gain='linear'),
  117. nn.BatchNorm1d(hparams.n_mel_channels))
  118. )
  119. def forward(self, x):
  120. for i in range(len(self.convolutions) - 1):
  121. x = self.dropout(F.tanh(self.convolutions[i](x)))
  122. x = self.dropout(self.convolutions[-1](x))
  123. return x
  124. class Encoder(nn.Module):
  125. """Encoder module:
  126. - Three 1-d convolution banks
  127. - Bidirectional LSTM
  128. """
  129. def __init__(self, hparams):
  130. super(Encoder, self).__init__()
  131. self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5)
  132. convolutions = []
  133. for _ in range(hparams.encoder_n_convolutions):
  134. conv_layer = nn.Sequential(
  135. ConvNorm(hparams.encoder_embedding_dim,
  136. hparams.encoder_embedding_dim,
  137. kernel_size=hparams.encoder_kernel_size, stride=1,
  138. padding=int((hparams.encoder_kernel_size - 1) / 2),
  139. dilation=1, w_init_gain='relu'),
  140. nn.BatchNorm1d(hparams.encoder_embedding_dim))
  141. convolutions.append(conv_layer)
  142. self.convolutions = nn.ModuleList(convolutions)
  143. self.lstm = nn.LSTM(hparams.encoder_embedding_dim,
  144. int(hparams.encoder_embedding_dim / 2), 1,
  145. batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
  146. def forward(self, x, input_lengths):
  147. for conv in self.convolutions:
  148. x = self.dropout(F.relu(conv(x)))
  149. x = x.transpose(1, 2)
  150. # pytorch tensor are not reversible, hence the conversion
  151. input_lengths = input_lengths.cpu().numpy()
  152. x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(
  153. x, input_lengths, batch_first=True)
  154. self.lstm.flatten_parameters()
  155. outputs, _ = self.lstm(x)
  156. outputs, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(
  157. outputs, batch_first=True)
  158. return outputs
  159. def inference(self, x):
  160. for conv in self.convolutions:
  161. x = self.dropout(F.relu(conv(x)))
  162. x = x.transpose(1, 2)
  163. self.lstm.flatten_parameters()
  164. outputs, _ = self.lstm(x)
  165. return outputs
  166. class Decoder(nn.Module):
  167. def __init__(self, hparams):
  168. super(Decoder, self).__init__()
  169. self.n_mel_channels = hparams.n_mel_channels
  170. self.n_frames_per_step = hparams.n_frames_per_step
  171. self.encoder_embedding_dim = hparams.encoder_embedding_dim
  172. self.attention_rnn_dim = hparams.attention_rnn_dim
  173. self.decoder_rnn_dim = hparams.decoder_rnn_dim
  174. self.prenet_dim = hparams.prenet_dim
  175. self.max_decoder_steps = hparams.max_decoder_steps
  176. self.gate_threshold = hparams.gate_threshold
  177. self.prenet = Prenet(
  178. hparams.n_mel_channels * hparams.n_frames_per_step,
  179. [hparams.prenet_dim, hparams.prenet_dim])
  180. self.attention_rnn = nn.LSTMCell(
  181. hparams.decoder_rnn_dim + hparams.encoder_embedding_dim,
  182. hparams.attention_rnn_dim)
  183. self.attention_layer = Attention(
  184. hparams.attention_rnn_dim, hparams.encoder_embedding_dim,
  185. hparams.attention_dim, hparams.attention_location_n_filters,
  186. hparams.attention_location_kernel_size)
  187. self.decoder_rnn = nn.LSTMCell(
  188. hparams.prenet_dim + hparams.encoder_embedding_dim,
  189. hparams.decoder_rnn_dim, 1)
  190. self.linear_projection = LinearNorm(
  191. hparams.decoder_rnn_dim + hparams.encoder_embedding_dim,
  192. hparams.n_mel_channels*hparams.n_frames_per_step)
  193. self.gate_layer = LinearNorm(
  194. hparams.decoder_rnn_dim + hparams.encoder_embedding_dim, 1,
  195. bias=True, w_init_gain='sigmoid')
  196. def get_go_frame(self, memory):
  197. """ Gets all zeros frames to use as first decoder input
  198. PARAMS
  199. ------
  200. memory: decoder outputs
  201. RETURNS
  202. -------
  203. decoder_input: all zeros frames
  204. """
  205. B = memory.size(0)
  206. decoder_input = Variable(
  207. B, self.n_mel_channels * self.n_frames_per_step).zero_())
  208. return decoder_input
  209. def initialize_decoder_states(self, memory, mask):
  210. """ Initializes attention rnn states, decoder rnn states, attention
  211. weights, attention cumulative weights, attention context, stores memory
  212. and stores processed memory
  213. PARAMS
  214. ------
  215. memory: Encoder outputs
  216. mask: Mask for padded data if training, expects None for inference
  217. """
  218. B = memory.size(0)
  219. MAX_TIME = memory.size(1)
  220. self.attention_hidden = Variable(
  221. B, self.attention_rnn_dim).zero_())
  222. self.attention_cell = Variable(
  223. B, self.attention_rnn_dim).zero_())
  224. self.decoder_hidden = Variable(
  225. B, self.decoder_rnn_dim).zero_())
  226. self.decoder_cell = Variable(
  227. B, self.decoder_rnn_dim).zero_())
  228. self.attention_weights = Variable(
  229. B, MAX_TIME).zero_())
  230. self.attention_weights_cum = Variable(
  231. B, MAX_TIME).zero_())
  232. self.attention_context = Variable(
  233. B, self.encoder_embedding_dim).zero_())
  234. self.memory = memory
  235. self.processed_memory = self.attention_layer.memory_layer(memory)
  236. self.mask = mask
  237. def parse_decoder_inputs(self, decoder_inputs):
  238. """ Prepares decoder inputs, i.e. mel outputs
  239. PARAMS
  240. ------
  241. decoder_inputs: inputs used for teacher-forced training, i.e. mel-specs
  242. RETURNS
  243. -------
  244. inputs: processed decoder inputs
  245. """
  246. # (B, n_mel_channels, T_out) -> (B, T_out, n_mel_channels)
  247. decoder_inputs = decoder_inputs.transpose(1, 2)
  248. decoder_inputs = decoder_inputs.view(
  249. decoder_inputs.size(0),
  250. int(decoder_inputs.size(1)/self.n_frames_per_step), -1)
  251. # (B, T_out, n_mel_channels) -> (T_out, B, n_mel_channels)
  252. decoder_inputs = decoder_inputs.transpose(0, 1)
  253. return decoder_inputs
  254. def parse_decoder_outputs(self, mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments):
  255. """ Prepares decoder outputs for output
  256. PARAMS
  257. ------
  258. mel_outputs:
  259. gate_outputs: gate output energies
  260. alignments:
  261. RETURNS
  262. -------
  263. mel_outputs:
  264. gate_outpust: gate output energies
  265. alignments:
  266. """
  267. # (T_out, B) -> (B, T_out)
  268. alignments = torch.stack(alignments).transpose(0, 1)
  269. # (T_out, B) -> (B, T_out)
  270. gate_outputs = torch.stack(gate_outputs).transpose(0, 1)
  271. gate_outputs = gate_outputs.contiguous()
  272. # (T_out, B, n_mel_channels) -> (B, T_out, n_mel_channels)
  273. mel_outputs = torch.stack(mel_outputs).transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
  274. # decouple frames per step
  275. mel_outputs = mel_outputs.view(
  276. mel_outputs.size(0), -1, self.n_mel_channels)
  277. # (B, T_out, n_mel_channels) -> (B, n_mel_channels, T_out)
  278. mel_outputs = mel_outputs.transpose(1, 2)
  279. return mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments
  280. def decode(self, decoder_input):
  281. """ Decoder step using stored states, attention and memory
  282. PARAMS
  283. ------
  284. decoder_input: previous mel output
  285. RETURNS
  286. -------
  287. mel_output:
  288. gate_output: gate output energies
  289. attention_weights:
  290. """
  291. prenet_output = self.prenet(decoder_input)
  292. cell_input =, self.attention_context), -1)
  293. self.attention_hidden, self.attention_cell = self.attention_rnn(
  294. cell_input, (self.attention_hidden, self.attention_cell))
  295. attention_weights_cat =
  296. (self.attention_weights.unsqueeze(1),
  297. self.attention_weights_cum.unsqueeze(1)), dim=1)
  298. self.attention_context, self.attention_weights = self.attention_layer(
  299. self.attention_hidden, self.memory, self.processed_memory,
  300. attention_weights_cat, self.mask)
  301. self.attention_weights_cum += self.attention_weights
  302. decoder_input =, self.attention_context), -1)
  303. self.decoder_hidden, self.decoder_cell = self.decoder_rnn(
  304. decoder_input, (self.decoder_hidden, self.decoder_cell))
  305. decoder_hidden_attention_context =
  306. (self.decoder_hidden, self.attention_context), dim=1)
  307. decoder_output = self.linear_projection(
  308. decoder_hidden_attention_context)
  309. gate_prediction = self.gate_layer(decoder_hidden_attention_context)
  310. return decoder_output, gate_prediction, self.attention_weights
  311. def forward(self, memory, decoder_inputs, memory_lengths):
  312. """ Decoder forward pass for training
  313. PARAMS
  314. ------
  315. memory: Encoder outputs
  316. decoder_inputs: Decoder inputs for teacher forcing. i.e. mel-specs
  317. memory_lengths: Encoder output lengths for attention masking.
  318. RETURNS
  319. -------
  320. mel_outputs: mel outputs from the decoder
  321. gate_outputs: gate outputs from the decoder
  322. alignments: sequence of attention weights from the decoder
  323. """
  324. decoder_input = self.get_go_frame(memory)
  325. decoder_inputs = self.parse_decoder_inputs(decoder_inputs)
  326. self.initialize_decoder_states(
  327. memory, mask=~get_mask_from_lengths(memory_lengths))
  328. mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments = [], [], []
  329. while len(mel_outputs) < decoder_inputs.size(0):
  330. mel_output, gate_output, attention_weights = self.decode(
  331. decoder_input)
  332. mel_outputs += [mel_output]
  333. gate_outputs += [gate_output.squeeze(1)]
  334. alignments += [attention_weights]
  335. decoder_input = decoder_inputs[len(mel_outputs) - 1]
  336. mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments = self.parse_decoder_outputs(
  337. mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments)
  338. return mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments
  339. def inference(self, memory):
  340. """ Decoder inference
  341. PARAMS
  342. ------
  343. memory: Encoder outputs
  344. RETURNS
  345. -------
  346. mel_outputs: mel outputs from the decoder
  347. gate_outputs: gate outputs from the decoder
  348. alignments: sequence of attention weights from the decoder
  349. """
  350. decoder_input = self.get_go_frame(memory)
  351. self.initialize_decoder_states(memory, mask=None)
  352. mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments = [], [], []
  353. while True:
  354. mel_output, gate_output, alignment = self.decode(decoder_input)
  355. mel_outputs += [mel_output]
  356. gate_outputs += [gate_output.squeeze(1)]
  357. alignments += [alignment]
  358. if F.sigmoid( > self.gate_threshold:
  359. break
  360. elif len(mel_outputs) == self.max_decoder_steps:
  361. print("Warning! Reached max decoder steps")
  362. break
  363. decoder_input = mel_output
  364. mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments = self.parse_decoder_outputs(
  365. mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments)
  366. return mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments
  367. class Tacotron2(nn.Module):
  368. def __init__(self, hparams):
  369. super(Tacotron2, self).__init__()
  370. self.mask_padding = hparams.mask_padding
  371. self.fp16_run = hparams.fp16_run
  372. self.n_mel_channels = hparams.n_mel_channels
  373. self.n_frames_per_step = hparams.n_frames_per_step
  374. self.embedding = nn.Embedding(
  375. hparams.n_symbols, hparams.symbols_embedding_dim)
  376. self.encoder = Encoder(hparams)
  377. self.decoder = Decoder(hparams)
  378. self.postnet = Postnet(hparams)
  379. def parse_batch(self, batch):
  380. text_padded, input_lengths, mel_padded, gate_padded, \
  381. output_lengths = batch
  382. text_padded = to_gpu(text_padded).long()
  383. max_len = int(torch.max(
  384. input_lengths = to_gpu(input_lengths).long()
  385. mel_padded = to_gpu(mel_padded).float()
  386. gate_padded = to_gpu(gate_padded).float()
  387. output_lengths = to_gpu(output_lengths).long()
  388. return (
  389. (text_padded, input_lengths, mel_padded, max_len, output_lengths),
  390. (mel_padded, gate_padded))
  391. def parse_input(self, inputs):
  392. inputs = fp32_to_fp16(inputs) if self.fp16_run else inputs
  393. return inputs
  394. def parse_output(self, outputs, output_lengths=None):
  395. if self.mask_padding and output_lengths is not None:
  396. mask = ~get_mask_from_lengths(output_lengths+1) # +1 <stop> token
  397. mask = mask.expand(self.n_mel_channels, mask.size(0), mask.size(1))
  398. mask = mask.permute(1, 0, 2)
  399. outputs[0].data.masked_fill_(mask, 0.0)
  400. outputs[1].data.masked_fill_(mask, 0.0)
  401. outputs[2].data.masked_fill_(mask[:, 0, :], 1e3) # gate energies
  402. outputs = fp16_to_fp32(outputs) if self.fp16_run else outputs
  403. return outputs
  404. def forward(self, inputs):
  405. inputs, input_lengths, targets, max_len, \
  406. output_lengths = self.parse_input(inputs)
  407. input_lengths, output_lengths =,
  408. embedded_inputs = self.embedding(inputs).transpose(1, 2)
  409. encoder_outputs = self.encoder(embedded_inputs, input_lengths)
  410. mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments = self.decoder(
  411. encoder_outputs, targets, memory_lengths=input_lengths)
  412. mel_outputs_postnet = self.postnet(mel_outputs)
  413. mel_outputs_postnet = mel_outputs + mel_outputs_postnet
  414. # DataParallel expects equal sized inputs/outputs, hence padding
  415. if input_lengths is not None:
  416. alignments = alignments.unsqueeze(0)
  417. alignments = nn.functional.pad(
  418. alignments,
  419. (0, max_len - alignments.size(3), 0, 0),
  420. "constant", 0)
  421. alignments = alignments.squeeze()
  422. return self.parse_output(
  423. [mel_outputs, mel_outputs_postnet, gate_outputs, alignments],
  424. output_lengths)
  425. def inference(self, inputs):
  426. inputs = self.parse_input(inputs)
  427. embedded_inputs = self.embedding(inputs).transpose(1, 2)
  428. encoder_outputs = self.encoder.inference(embedded_inputs)
  429. mel_outputs, gate_outputs, alignments = self.decoder.inference(
  430. encoder_outputs)
  431. mel_outputs_postnet = self.postnet(mel_outputs)
  432. mel_outputs_postnet = mel_outputs + mel_outputs_postnet
  433. outputs = self.parse_output(
  434. [mel_outputs, mel_outputs_postnet, gate_outputs, alignments])
  435. return outputs