A Twitch Bot, in Ruby
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Tearzz 5f571cd613
Updated README.md
6 years ago
Responses Created chatbot.txt 6 years ago
CommandsHandler.rb Updated CommandsHandler.rb 6 years ago
LICENSE Initial commit 7 years ago
README.md Updated README.md 6 years ago
TwitchBot.rb Updated TwitchBot.rb 6 years ago
credentials.txt Added chatbot Ruby script and "credentials.txt" 7 years ago



A simple chatbot for Twitch written in Ruby. Used for handling commands and previewing chat so that you don't need to have the browser open and can avoid using a lot of RAM and CPU.


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I use this chatbot to preview chat without having a browser open so that I save CPU and RAM. But as you can see in the preview image it's also able to handle custom commands including API commands.

How To Use:

  1. Open "credentials.txt" and replace OAUTH, BOTNAME and CHANNEL with the values you need.
  2. Run "TwitchBot.rb"

Adding Commands:

  1. Open "CommandsHandler.rb" and scroll down to the commands array and add your own.
  2. Go to folder "Responses" and add the command as a text file in all lowercase. Examples have been included

Admin Commands:
If you are adding admin commands add a custom response next to it. There you'll be able to add commands that gives data to the socket instead of a chat message as a response. Example:
admin_commands = { "disconnect" => "PART ##{CHANNEL}" }

When the command "!disconnect" has been typed in chat by the channel owner (or anyone specified in the admins array) it will send a request to disconnect from the current Twitch channel.

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API Commands:
If you want to add API commands you just scroll down to # ----- API COMMANDS ----- # (First section after receiving messages) and add your commands. In the example it calls some functions which are made at the bottom of the script.
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Then you scroll down to the bottom under # ----- API COMMANDS ----- # and add a function to that command.
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The response files in the Responses folder have 3 arguments available (You can add your own)

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In the template the arguments USER, CHANNEL, COMMANDS are available. (COMMANDS shows all available commands)

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