- require 'slack-ruby-bot'
- require 'wolfram'
- module NumberManBot
- class App < SlackRubyBot::App
- end
- class Weather < SlackRubyBot::Commands::Base
- match(/^How is the weather in (?<location>\w*)\?$/i) do |client, data, match|
- send_message client, data.channel, "The weather in #{match[:location]} is nice."
- end
- end
- class Calculator < SlackRubyBot::Commands::Base
- operator '=' do |client, _data, _match|
- # implementation detail
- Wolfram.appid = "R3KHQ2-2T2769PP4P"
- eq = _match[1..-1]
- result = Wolfram.fetch(eq[1])
- # to see the result as a hash of pods and assumptions:
- hash = Wolfram::HashPresenter.new(result).to_hash
- puts hash
- pods = hash[:pods]
- result = pods["Result"]
- #solution = pods["Real solutions"]
- puts result
- if result != nil
- result[0].sub! "~~", "≈"
- send_message client, _data.channel, result[0]
- else
- solution = pods["Real solution"]
- puts solution
- if solution != nil
- solution[0].sub! "~~", "≈"
- send_message client, _data.channel, solution[0]
- else
- solution = pods["Real solutions"]
- solution[0].sub! "~~", "≈"
- puts solution
- send_message client, _data.channel, solution[0]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- NumberManBot::App.instance.run