## Installation Create a new Bot Integration under [services/new/bot](http://slack.com/services/new/bot). ![](screenshots/register-bot.png) On the next screen, note the API token. ### Environment #### SLACK_API_TOKEN Set SLACK_API_TOKEN from the Bot integration settings on Slack. ``` heroku config:add SLACK_API_TOKEN=... ``` #### GIPHY_API_KEY The bot replies with animated GIFs. While it's currently not necessary, you may need to set GIPHY_API_KEY in the future, see [github.com/Giphy/GiphyAPI](https://github.com/Giphy/GiphyAPI) for details. #### SLACK_RUBY_BOT_ALIASES Optional names for this bot. ``` heroku config:add SLACK_RUBY_BOT_ALIASES=":pong: table-tennis ping-pong" ``` ### Heroku Idling Heroku free tier applications will idle. Either pay 7$ a month for the hobby dyno or use [UptimeRobot](http://uptimerobot.com) or similar to prevent your instance from sleeping or pay for a production dyno.