- import { TVA_CONFIG } from '../settings.js';
- import { TVASprite } from '../sprite/TVASprite.js';
- import { string2Hex, waitForTokenTexture } from '../utils.js';
- import { getAllEffectMappings, getTokenEffects, getTokenHP } from '../hooks/effectMappingHooks.js';
- export const FONT_LOADING = {};
- export async function drawOverlays(token) {
- if (token.tva_drawing_overlays) return;
- token.tva_drawing_overlays = true;
- const mappings = getAllEffectMappings(token);
- const effects = getTokenEffects(token, true);
- let processedMappings = mappings
- .filter((m) => m.overlay && effects.includes(m.id))
- .sort(
- (m1, m2) =>
- (m1.priority - m1.overlayConfig?.parentID ? 0 : 999) -
- (m2.priority - m2.overlayConfig?.parentID ? 0 : 999)
- );
- // See if the whole stack or just top of the stack should be used according to settings
- if (processedMappings.length) {
- processedMappings = TVA_CONFIG.stackStatusConfig
- ? processedMappings
- : [processedMappings[processedMappings.length - 1]];
- }
- // Process strings as expressions
- const overlays = processedMappings.map((m) =>
- evaluateOverlayExpressions(deepClone(m.overlayConfig), token, m)
- );
- if (overlays.length) {
- waitForTokenTexture(token, async (token) => {
- if (!token.tva_sprites) token.tva_sprites = [];
- // Temporarily mark every overlay for removal.
- // We'll only keep overlays that are still applicable to the token
- _markAllOverlaysForRemoval(token);
- // To keep track of the overlay order
- let overlaySort = 0;
- let underlaySort = 0;
- for (const ov of overlays) {
- let sprite = _findTVASprite(ov.id, token);
- if (sprite) {
- const diff = diffObject(sprite.overlayConfig, ov);
- // Check if we need to create a new texture or simply refresh the overlay
- if (!isEmpty(diff)) {
- if (ov.img?.includes('*') || (ov.img?.includes('{') && ov.img?.includes('}'))) {
- sprite.refresh(ov);
- } else if (diff.img || diff.text || diff.shapes || diff.repeat) {
- sprite.setTexture(await genTexture(token, ov), { configuration: ov });
- } else if (diff.parentID) {
- sprite.parent?.removeChild(sprite)?.destroy();
- sprite = null;
- } else {
- sprite.refresh(ov);
- }
- } else if (diff.text?.text || diff.shapes) {
- sprite.setTexture(await genTexture(token, ov), { configuration: ov });
- }
- }
- if (!sprite) {
- if (ov.parentID) {
- const parent = _findTVASprite(ov.parentID, token);
- if (parent && !parent.tvaRemove)
- sprite = parent.addChildAuto(new TVASprite(await genTexture(token, ov), token, ov));
- } else {
- sprite = canvas.primary.addChild(new TVASprite(await genTexture(token, ov), token, ov));
- }
- if (sprite) token.tva_sprites.push(sprite);
- }
- // If the sprite has a parent confirm that the parent has not been removed
- if (sprite?.overlayConfig.parentID) {
- const parent = _findTVASprite(sprite.overlayConfig.parentID, token);
- if (!parent || parent.tvaRemove) sprite = null;
- }
- if (sprite) {
- sprite.tvaRemove = false; // Sprite in use, do not remove
- // Assign order to the overlay
- if (sprite.overlayConfig.underlay) {
- underlaySort -= 0.01;
- sprite.overlaySort = underlaySort;
- } else {
- overlaySort += 0.01;
- sprite.overlaySort = overlaySort;
- }
- }
- }
- removeMarkedOverlays(token);
- token.tva_drawing_overlays = false;
- });
- } else {
- _removeAllOverlays(token);
- token.tva_drawing_overlays = false;
- }
- }
- export async function genTexture(token, conf) {
- if (conf.img?.trim()) {
- return await generateImage(token, conf);
- } else if (conf.text?.text != null) {
- return await generateTextTexture(token, conf);
- } else if (conf.shapes?.length) {
- return await generateShapeTexture(token, conf);
- } else {
- return {
- texture: await loadTexture('modules/token-variants/img/token-images.svg'),
- };
- }
- }
- async function generateImage(token, conf) {
- let img = conf.img;
- if (conf.img.includes('*') || (conf.img.includes('{') && conf.img.includes('}'))) {
- const images = await wildcardImageSearch(conf.img);
- if (images.length) {
- if (images.length) {
- img = images[Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length)];
- }
- }
- }
- let texture = await loadTexture(img, {
- fallback: 'modules/token-variants/img/token-images.svg',
- });
- // Repeat image if needed
- // Repeating the shape if necessary
- if (conf.repeating && conf.repeat) {
- const repeat = conf.repeat;
- let numRepeats;
- if (repeat.isPercentage) {
- numRepeats = Math.ceil(repeat.value / repeat.maxValue / (repeat.increment / 100));
- } else {
- numRepeats = Math.ceil(repeat.value / repeat.increment);
- }
- let n = 0;
- let rows = 0;
- const maxRows = repeat.maxRows ?? Infinity;
- let xOffset = 0;
- let yOffset = 0;
- const paddingX = repeat.paddingX ?? 0;
- const paddingY = repeat.paddingY ?? 0;
- let container = new PIXI.Container();
- while (numRepeats > 0) {
- let img = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
- img.x = xOffset;
- img.y = yOffset;
- container.addChild(img);
- xOffset += texture.width + paddingX;
- numRepeats--;
- n++;
- if (numRepeats != 0 && n >= repeat.perRow) {
- rows += 1;
- if (rows >= maxRows) break;
- yOffset += texture.height + paddingY;
- xOffset = 0;
- n = 0;
- }
- }
- texture = _renderContainer(container, texture.resolution);
- }
- return { texture };
- }
- function _renderContainer(container, resolution, { width = null, height = null } = {}) {
- const bounds = container.getLocalBounds();
- const matrix = new PIXI.Matrix();
- matrix.tx = -bounds.x;
- matrix.ty = -bounds.y;
- const renderTexture = PIXI.RenderTexture.create({
- width: width ?? bounds.width,
- height: height ?? bounds.height,
- resolution: resolution,
- });
- if (isNewerVersion('11', game.version)) {
- canvas.app.renderer.render(container, renderTexture, true, matrix, false);
- } else {
- canvas.app.renderer.render(container, {
- renderTexture,
- clear: true,
- transform: matrix,
- skipUpdateTransform: false,
- });
- }
- renderTexture.destroyable = true;
- return renderTexture;
- }
- // Return width and height of the drawn shape
- function _drawShape(graphics, shape, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0) {
- if (shape.type === 'rectangle') {
- graphics.drawRoundedRect(
- shape.x + xOffset,
- shape.y + yOffset,
- shape.width,
- shape.height,
- shape.radius
- );
- return [shape.width, shape.height];
- } else if (shape.type === 'ellipse') {
- graphics.drawEllipse(
- shape.x + xOffset + shape.width,
- shape.y + yOffset + shape.height,
- shape.width,
- shape.height
- );
- return [shape.width * 2, shape.height * 2];
- } else if (shape.type === 'polygon') {
- graphics.drawPolygon(
- shape.points
- .split(',')
- .map((p, i) => Number(p) * shape.scale + (i % 2 === 0 ? shape.x : shape.y))
- );
- } else if (shape.type === 'torus') {
- drawTorus(
- graphics,
- shape.x + xOffset + shape.outerRadius,
- shape.y + yOffset + shape.outerRadius,
- shape.innerRadius,
- shape.outerRadius,
- Math.toRadians(shape.startAngle),
- shape.endAngle >= 360 ? Math.PI * 2 : Math.toRadians(shape.endAngle)
- );
- return [shape.outerRadius * 2, shape.outerRadius * 2];
- }
- }
- export async function generateShapeTexture(token, conf) {
- let graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
- for (const obj of conf.shapes) {
- graphics.beginFill(interpolateColor(obj.fill.color, obj.fill.interpolateColor), obj.fill.alpha);
- graphics.lineStyle(obj.line.width, string2Hex(obj.line.color), obj.line.alpha);
- const shape = obj.shape;
- // Repeating the shape if necessary
- if (obj.repeating && obj.repeat) {
- const repeat = obj.repeat;
- let numRepeats;
- if (repeat.isPercentage) {
- numRepeats = Math.ceil(repeat.value / repeat.maxValue / (repeat.increment / 100));
- } else {
- numRepeats = Math.ceil(repeat.value / repeat.increment);
- }
- let n = 0;
- let rows = 0;
- const maxRows = repeat.maxRows ?? Infinity;
- let xOffset = 0;
- let yOffset = 0;
- const paddingX = repeat.paddingX ?? 0;
- const paddingY = repeat.paddingY ?? 0;
- while (numRepeats > 0) {
- const [width, height] = _drawShape(graphics, shape, xOffset, yOffset);
- xOffset += width + paddingX;
- numRepeats--;
- n++;
- if (numRepeats != 0 && n >= repeat.perRow) {
- rows += 1;
- if (rows >= maxRows) break;
- yOffset += height + paddingY;
- xOffset = 0;
- n = 0;
- }
- }
- } else {
- _drawShape(graphics, shape);
- }
- }
- // Store original graphics dimensions as these may change when children are added
- graphics.shapesWidth = Number(graphics.width);
- graphics.shapesHeight = Number(graphics.height);
- return { texture: PIXI.Texture.EMPTY, shapes: graphics };
- }
- function drawTorus(graphics, x, y, innerRadius, outerRadius, startArc = 0, endArc = Math.PI * 2) {
- if (Math.abs(endArc - startArc) >= Math.PI * 2) {
- return graphics
- .drawCircle(x, y, outerRadius)
- .beginHole()
- .drawCircle(x, y, innerRadius)
- .endHole();
- }
- graphics.finishPoly();
- graphics
- .arc(x, y, innerRadius, endArc, startArc, true)
- .arc(x, y, outerRadius, startArc, endArc, false)
- .finishPoly();
- }
- export function interpolateColor(minColor, interpolate, rString = false) {
- if (!interpolate || !interpolate.color2 || !interpolate.prc)
- return rString ? minColor : string2Hex(minColor);
- if (!PIXI.Color) return _interpolateV10(minColor, interpolate, rString);
- const percentage = interpolate.prc;
- minColor = new PIXI.Color(minColor);
- const maxColor = new PIXI.Color(interpolate.color2);
- let minHsv = rgb2hsv(minColor.red, minColor.green, minColor.blue);
- let maxHsv = rgb2hsv(maxColor.red, maxColor.green, maxColor.blue);
- let deltaHue = maxHsv[0] - minHsv[0];
- let deltaAngle = deltaHue + (Math.abs(deltaHue) > 180 ? (deltaHue < 0 ? 360 : -360) : 0);
- let targetHue = minHsv[0] + deltaAngle * percentage;
- let targetSaturation = (1 - percentage) * minHsv[1] + percentage * maxHsv[1];
- let targetValue = (1 - percentage) * minHsv[2] + percentage * maxHsv[2];
- let result = new PIXI.Color({ h: targetHue, s: targetSaturation * 100, v: targetValue * 100 });
- return rString ? result.toHex() : result.toNumber();
- }
- function _interpolateV10(minColor, interpolate, rString = false) {
- const percentage = interpolate.prc;
- minColor = PIXI.utils.hex2rgb(string2Hex(minColor));
- const maxColor = PIXI.utils.hex2rgb(string2Hex(interpolate.color2));
- let minHsv = rgb2hsv(minColor[0], minColor[1], minColor[2]);
- let maxHsv = rgb2hsv(maxColor[0], maxColor[1], maxColor[2]);
- let deltaHue = maxHsv[0] - minHsv[0];
- let deltaAngle = deltaHue + (Math.abs(deltaHue) > 180 ? (deltaHue < 0 ? 360 : -360) : 0);
- let targetHue = minHsv[0] + deltaAngle * percentage;
- let targetSaturation = (1 - percentage) * minHsv[1] + percentage * maxHsv[1];
- let targetValue = (1 - percentage) * minHsv[2] + percentage * maxHsv[2];
- let result = Color.fromHSV([targetHue / 360, targetSaturation, targetValue]);
- return rString ? result.toString() : Number(result);
- }
- /**
- * Converts a color from RGB to HSV space.
- * Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8022885/rgb-to-hsv-color-in-javascript/54070620#54070620
- */
- function rgb2hsv(r, g, b) {
- let v = Math.max(r, g, b),
- c = v - Math.min(r, g, b);
- let h = c && (v == r ? (g - b) / c : v == g ? 2 + (b - r) / c : 4 + (r - g) / c);
- return [60 * (h < 0 ? h + 6 : h), v && c / v, v];
- }
- const CORE_VARIABLES = {
- '@hp': (token) => getTokenHP(token)?.[0],
- '@hpMax': (token) => getTokenHP(token)?.[1],
- '@gridSize': () => canvas.grid?.size,
- '@label': (_, conf) => conf.label,
- };
- function _evaluateString(str, token, conf) {
- let variables = conf.overlayConfig?.variables;
- const re2 = new RegExp('@\\w+', 'gi');
- str = str.replace(re2, function replace(match) {
- let name = match.substr(1, match.length);
- let v = variables?.find((v) => v.name === name);
- if (v) return v.value;
- else if (match in CORE_VARIABLES) return CORE_VARIABLES[match](token, conf);
- return match;
- });
- const re = new RegExp('{{.*?}}', 'gi');
- str = str
- .replace(re, function replace(match) {
- const property = match.substring(2, match.length - 2);
- if (conf && property === 'effect') {
- return conf.expression;
- }
- if (token && property === 'hp') return getTokenHP(token)?.[0];
- else if (token && property === 'hpMax') return getTokenHP(token)?.[1];
- const val = getProperty(token.document ?? token, property);
- return val === undefined ? match : val;
- })
- .replace('\\n', '\n');
- return str;
- }
- function _executeString(evalString, token) {
- try {
- const actor = token.actor; // So that actor is easily accessible within eval() scope
- const result = eval(evalString);
- if (getType(result) === 'Object') evalString;
- return result;
- } catch (e) {}
- return evalString;
- }
- export function evaluateOverlayExpressions(obj, token, conf) {
- for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(obj)) {
- if (
- !['label', 'interactivity', 'variables', 'id', 'parentID', 'limitedUsers', 'filter'].includes(
- k
- )
- ) {
- obj[k] = _evaluateObjExpressions(v, token, conf);
- }
- }
- return obj;
- }
- // Evaluate provided object values substituting in {{path.to.property}} with token properties, and performing eval() on strings
- function _evaluateObjExpressions(obj, token, conf) {
- const t = getType(obj);
- if (t === 'string') {
- const str = _evaluateString(obj, token, conf);
- return _executeString(str, token);
- } else if (t === 'Array') {
- for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
- obj[i] = _evaluateObjExpressions(obj[i], token, conf);
- }
- } else if (t === 'Object') {
- for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(obj)) {
- // Exception for text overlay
- if (k === 'text' && getType(v) === 'string' && v) {
- const evalString = _evaluateString(v, token, conf);
- const result = _executeString(evalString, token);
- if (getType(result) !== 'string') obj[k] = evalString;
- else obj[k] = result;
- } else obj[k] = _evaluateObjExpressions(v, token, conf);
- }
- }
- return obj;
- }
- export async function generateTextTexture(token, conf) {
- await FONT_LOADING.loading;
- let label = conf.text.text;
- // Repeating the string if necessary
- if (conf.text.repeating && conf.text.repeat) {
- let tmp = '';
- const repeat = conf.text.repeat;
- let numRepeats;
- if (repeat.isPercentage) {
- numRepeats = Math.ceil(repeat.value / repeat.maxValue / (repeat.increment / 100));
- } else {
- numRepeats = Math.ceil(repeat.value / repeat.increment);
- }
- let n = 0;
- let rows = 0;
- let maxRows = repeat.maxRows ?? Infinity;
- while (numRepeats > 0) {
- tmp += label;
- numRepeats--;
- n++;
- if (numRepeats != 0 && n >= repeat.perRow) {
- rows += 1;
- if (rows >= maxRows) break;
- tmp += '\n';
- n = 0;
- }
- }
- label = tmp;
- }
- let style = PreciseText.getTextStyle({
- ...conf.text,
- fontFamily: [conf.text.fontFamily, 'fontAwesome'].join(','),
- fill: interpolateColor(conf.text.fill, conf.text.interpolateColor, true),
- });
- const text = new PreciseText(label, style);
- text.updateText(false);
- const texture = text.texture;
- const height = conf.text.maxHeight ? Math.min(texture.height, conf.text.maxHeight) : null;
- const curve = conf.text.curve;
- if (!height && !curve?.radius && !curve?.angle) {
- texture.textLabel = label;
- return { texture };
- }
- const container = new PIXI.Container();
- if (curve?.radius || curve?.angle) {
- // Curve the text
- const letterSpacing = conf.text.letterSpacing ?? 0;
- const radius = curve.angle
- ? (texture.width + letterSpacing) / (Math.PI * 2) / (curve.angle / 360)
- : curve.radius;
- const maxRopePoints = 100;
- const step = Math.PI / maxRopePoints;
- let ropePoints =
- maxRopePoints - Math.round((texture.width / (radius * Math.PI)) * maxRopePoints);
- ropePoints /= 2;
- const points = [];
- for (let i = maxRopePoints - ropePoints; i > ropePoints; i--) {
- const x = radius * Math.cos(step * i);
- const y = radius * Math.sin(step * i);
- points.push(new PIXI.Point(x, curve.invert ? y : -y));
- }
- const rope = new PIXI.SimpleRope(texture, points);
- container.addChild(rope);
- } else {
- container.addChild(new PIXI.Sprite(texture));
- }
- const renderTexture = _renderContainer(container, 2, { height });
- text.destroy();
- renderTexture.textLabel = label;
- return { texture: renderTexture };
- }
- function _markAllOverlaysForRemoval(token) {
- for (const child of token.tva_sprites) {
- if (child instanceof TVASprite) {
- child.tvaRemove = true;
- }
- }
- }
- export function removeMarkedOverlays(token) {
- const sprites = [];
- for (const child of token.tva_sprites) {
- if (child.tvaRemove) {
- child.parent?.removeChild(child)?.destroy();
- } else {
- sprites.push(child);
- }
- }
- token.tva_sprites = sprites;
- }
- function _findTVASprite(id, token) {
- for (const child of token.tva_sprites) {
- if (child.overlayConfig?.id === id) {
- return child;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- function _removeAllOverlays(token) {
- if (token.tva_sprites)
- for (const child of token.tva_sprites) {
- child.parent?.removeChild(child)?.destroy();
- }
- token.tva_sprites = null;
- }
- export function broadcastOverlayRedraw(token) {
- // Need to broadcast to other users to re-draw the overlay
- if (token) drawOverlays(token);
- const actorId = token.document?.actorLink ? token.actor?.id : null;
- const message = {
- handlerName: 'drawOverlays',
- args: { tokenId: token.id, actorId },
- type: 'UPDATE',
- };
- game.socket?.emit('module.token-variants', message);
- }